BizExpress3.1 platform help organizations integrate their existing
systems with new eBusiness solutions to maximize evolving eBusiness
Bizexpress re-creates your e-business - better and faster !
Bizexpress 3.1 provides the power and flexibility required
by enterprises worldwide. The Bizexpress 3.1 suite includes
products for catalog management, content management, personalization,
marketing, business process integration, and high performance dynamic
content delivery. Bizexpress 3.1 enables customers to combine content
and business processes into personalized and branded end user experiences.
It supports not only eCommerce sites that sell goods and services,
but also a broad variety of content-centric eBusiness sites for
intranet, site visitors, customers, business partners, and channels.
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Bizexpress offers the one-time investment that leads to
higher profits for growing businesses. Bizexpress helps bundling
content, integration, and analysis to solve the challenges of deploying
and managing a successful business online - for selling, servicing,
and marketing to attract and retain customers and grow revenue.
Provide real-time payment processing and purchase card support...
Processes multiple payments concurrently...
Calculating shipping charges and taxes...
Providing high reliability and availability...
Integrating across many different platforms...
Offering the flexibility of multiple storefront options...
Detailed transaction reports through an advanced decision support
and OLAP tool...
THE BIZEXPRESS SOLUTION - Rapid Enterprise Integration
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